Equity, Inclusion and Non discrimination Policy: 

  • Children's House Montessori School of Lewiston does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies.

  • CHMS practices equity and inclusion in our lessons, practices, events, language, and policies. 

  • Equity in education means that every student has access to the resources they need in their education. 

  • Inclusion and Non Discrimination means we do not discriminate or leave out a student based on: gender, race, ethnicity, language, disability, sexual orientation, family background or income. 

  • We will ensure equitable access to learning resources, opportunities and materials. 

  • We will strive to continuously review school practices, procedures and policies to ensure that barriers are removed so that all students can succeed, feel safe, accepted and supported. 

  • We will respect the identities and cultures of learners and families by using practices, curriculum and policies that ensure equity for students. 

  • These policies and practices will continue to be revised and improved upon as CHMS staff learns and improves through school sponsored professional development opportunities. 

Policy regarding hate speech and hate symbols: 

  • We ban all hate speech and hate symbols on our school grounds and at school sponsored events. Examples of banned symbols include but are not limited to: the confederate flag, swastika and not equal sign. Further information may be found at: https://www.adl.org/

  • Hate speech is any language spoken or written which attacks a person or a group based on who they are, religion, nationality, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, belief systems. 


  •   In the instance that hate symbols appear on the clothing of a student or parent on school grounds, the individual will be asked to change their clothing or to leave the premises. The child and the family will also receive information about the history of the hate symbol and why it is a hate symbol. 

  • In the instance of hate speech the individual will be given a verbal warning to cease and might be asked to leave the premises. In the case of a student behaving in this manner, a meeting will be called with the student and parent/guardian and teacher. 

  • In extreme cases, a child may be dis enrolled from CHMS for either of these infractions and/or the parent/guardian response to the incident.               

Responsibilities of the School: 

  • To provide a safe, clean, happy educational environment meeting all of the licensing standards set forth by the state of Idaho, Nez Perce County and the city of Lewiston .

  • To provide the best quality resources and materials to the children meeting the Montessori standards of beauty and order.

  • To provide certified lead teachers and assistant teachers who guide with patience and consideration for the development of young children.  

 Responsibilities of the Parent and Families: 

  • To bring the child to school on time.

  • To fulfill financial and legal obligations to the school promptly.

  • To support both the school and the child:

       - by attending parent meetings and conferences

       - by keeping informed on goals and policies of the school

       - by volunteering time and effort

  • To ensure the continuation of the school for their own child by actively helping to build enrollment. 

  • To ensure the safety, both physical and emotional, of the students and staff of CHMS by speaking and acting in a way that is both kind and empathetic to the views and practices of CHMS. 

Responsibilities of the Child: 

  • To be free to embrace their childhood.

  • To treat themselves and each other with respect and kindness. 

  • To grow to their full potential.